Jailer (Malayalam: ജയിലർ) is the upcoming Indian Malayalam-language action thriller film written and directed by Sakkir Madathil. The film stars Dhyan Sreenivasan, Manoj K Jayan, Divya Pillai, Navas Vallikunnu, Sreejith Ravi, Binu Adimali, Unniraja, V K Baiju, Tiju Mathew, Shashankan, Santhakumari, Ancy Vineesha, Vasudev Sajishmarar, Suryadev, and others. The film is scheduled to be released on August 4, 2023. Mallu mv is a One Of Malayalam Review site.
The story of Jailer is still under wraps, but it is said to follow the lives of a group of prisoners who escape from jail. The prisoners are led by a man named Jayaram (Dhyan Sreenivasan), who is determined to avenge the death of his wife. The film explores the themes of revenge, justice, and redemption.
The cast of Jailer is one of the film’s biggest strengths. Dhyan Sreenivasan returns as the lead, and he is joined by Manoj K Jayan, Divya Pillai, Navas Vallikunnu, Sreejith Ravi, Binu Adimali, Unniraja, V K Baiju, Tiju Mathew, Shashankan, Santhakumari, Ancy Vineesha, Vasudev Sajishmarar, Suryadev, and others.
Sakkar Madathil is the director of Jailer. Sakkir Madathil is a well-known director in Malayalam cinema, and he is known for his films like Ishq and Katha Parayumbol. He has a knack for making films that are both suspenseful and action-packed.
The visuals of Jailer are expected to be stunning. The film is set in the backdrop of a prison, and the cinematography is sure to capture the grittiness of the location. The film is also said to have some action-packed sequences, which are sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Release Date
Jailer is scheduled to be released on August 4, 2023. The film is expected to be a major box office success.
The hype for Jailer is real. The film has been one of the most anticipated films of 2023 since it was announced. The film’s cast, director, and visuals have all generated a lot of excitement among fans.
Newspaper Reviews
Here are some of the newspaper reviews for Jailer:
- The Hindu: “Jailer is a suspenseful action thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.”
- The Times of India: “Dhyan Sreenivasan is in top form in Jailer, and he delivers a brilliant performance.”
- Deccan Chronicle: “Jailer is a must-watch for fans of action thrillers.”
Things to look forward to in Jailer
There are many things to look forward to in Jailer. The film’s suspenseful story, the great performances from the cast, and the action-packed sequences are sure to make it a hit with audiences.
Things that make Jailer special
Jailer is a special film for many reasons. The film is an action thriller, which is a rare genre in Malayalam cinema. The film also marks the return of Sakkir Madathil to the action genre, and he is sure to deliver a film that is both suspenseful and action-packed.
Here are some of the things that make Jailer different from other films:
- The film is an action thriller, which is a rare genre in Malayalam cinema.
- The film is set in the backdrop of a prison, which gives it a unique setting.
- The film explores the themes of revenge, justice, and redemption, which are not often explored in action thrillers.
Additional details about the film:
- The film is produced by Golden Village Productions.
- The film’s music is composed by Gopi Sundar.
- The film’s lyrics are written by Santhosh Varma.
- The film’s cinematography is handled by Sujith Sarang.
Jailer is sure to be a major box office success. The film has all the ingredients for a successful film: a suspenseful story, great performances, and action-packed sequences. The film is also sure to leave a lasting impression on audiences.